As explained in the babble which is the "About us" section, this is not a full-time operation and so we are not always able to respond within nanoseconds. Also, we need to make the pedals, so we are unable to sit in front of screens and check email all day.
You are, of course, welcome to email us if you have any questions. To avoid spambots, our email address is not published as text on this website, but you can see it written in a picture:
We also have a phone number. You can call us on +46 70 339 6871. Our phone times are:
Weekdays mid August - mid June
1700 - 2000 CET
Other times
0900 - 2000 CET
CET is Central European Time. It is an hour ahead of London.
If you are a company trying to sell me something, do not call me. If it is somehow linked to making pedals, you are welcome to email me. This means electronic components, pedal enclosures, packing boxes, decals etc. If it is about anything else, there is really no need to contact me. This message is especially important if you represent one of the multitude of companies which sell industrial cleaning products. Seriously. Stop calling me. The answer is still no.